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SMA Bukan Penghalang (SMA is not a barrier) 💪🏼😍

Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada kejayaan. Itulah yang telah dibuktikan oleh SMA Fighter Amirul Iman (Type 2) yang telah melakarkan kejayaan di dalam pertandingan catur iaitu Herosifu Chess Academy Online Chess Tournament 2021 (Rapid Event: 10 min + 2 sec) yang berlangsung atas talian pada 26 Jun 2021 (Sabtu). Pertandingan ini berlangsung dari jam 9 pagi hingga 5 petang. Amirul Iman yang mempunyai kondisi scoliosis, tidak mampu duduk begitu lama selama 8 jam ini. Namun begitu Amirul Iman tetap meneruskan cabaran dan memberikan saingan sengit kepada peserta yang lain, walaupun terpaksa bermain dalam posisi berbaring. Berkat semangat yang tidak mudah putus asa, akhirnya Amirul Iman telah memenangi tempat kedua terbaik OKU, suatu pencapaian yang membanggakan. Syabas dan tahniah buat Amirul Iman. Bintang catur muda yang semakin bersinar dan memberi inspirasi kepada OKU yang lain 🎉💕🏆


There is a will, there is success. That has been proven by SMA Fighter Amirul Iman (Type 2) who has succeed in the chess competition, namely Herosifu Chess Academy Online Chess Tournament 2021 (Rapid Event: 10 min + 2 sec) which took place online on 26 June 2021 (Saturday). The tournament started from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Amirul Iman, who has scoliosis, has not been able to sit for so long for 8 hours. However, Amirul Iman continued the challenge and gave fierce competition to the other participants, despite having to play in a lying position. Blessed with the courage, strong will and never give up, finally Amirul Iman has won the second best place for OKU, such a great achievement. Well done and congratulations to Amirul Iman. A young chess star who is increasingly shining and inspiring other PWDs 💕🌟🌹💪🏼

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