Sempena Hari Wanita Antarabangsa, pihak AE/RA telah menjemput Cik Miza Marsya, Penolong Setiausaha SMA Malaysia yang juga Penggerak Advokasi Belia dan SMA Fighter untuk menjadi salah seorang panel untuk berkongsi perspektif daripada kaca mata belia wanita dalam memperkasakan wanita secara amnya dan wanita OKU secara khususnya. Pastikan temujanji anda malam ini jam 8.00 malam di Google Meet seperti tertera di Kod QR. Jumpa nanti. 💕💐❤️
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In conjunction with International Women's Day, AE/RA has invited Miss Miza Marsya, the Assistant Secretary of SMA Malaysia, also the Youth Advocator and the SMA Fighter to be one of the panels to share her perspective as a youth in empowering women in general and enhance the capabilities of women with disabilities. So set your time this evening, at 8.00 pm on Google Meet application as shown as the QR code. See you there!💕💐🌎