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Meriah MSSR2021 💕 Joyful MSSR2021 🎉

Alhamdulillah SMA Malaysia telah menganjurkan Majlis Sembang-Sembang Raya 2021 (MSSR2021) secara dalam talian sempena Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Acara telah berlangsung dengan jayanya pada 29 Mei 2021, Sabtu yang lalu. Ahli-ahli SMA Malaysia mula memasuki 'Bilik Sembang' seawal 2.45 petang, dengan berbaju raya yang penuh bergaya

😍. Majlis dimulakan dengan ucapan alu-aluan SMA Fighter Miza Marsya selalu pengacara majlis, diikuti bacaan doa oleh SMA Fighter Amirul Iman. Kemudian ucapan daripada Pn Shakira Jamil selaku Presiden SMA Malaysia dan tuan rumah bagi majlis ini. Selain bertukar-tukar cerita tentang sambutan Hari Raya Aidil Fitri masing-masing di rumah ketika Perlaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan 3.0, majlis dimeriahkan dengan pertandingan Anugerah Meletop MSSR2021. Pemilihan pemenang telah dijurikan oleh Yang Berbahagia Dato Hatijah Ayob, Presiden MRDS dan Puan Allida, AJK MRDS. SMA Fighter Marissa telah dipilih sebagai pemenang bagi Kategori Pakaian Paling Bergaya Wanita, SMA Fighter Ahmad Nazmi pula dipilih sebagai pemenang Kategori Pakaian Paling Vogue Lelaki dan keluarga Encik Razis dipilih sebagai pemenang Family Paling Sporting. Masing-masing memenangi hadiah voucher RM100 Rare Catalogue. Di samping itu, persembahan nyanyian lagu raya karaoke BTS (Bakat Terpendam Seni) oleh SMA Fighter Nur Syafiqah dan SMA Fighter Safura. Kemeriahan diteruskan dengan acara cabutan bertuah seramai 8 orang pemenang dan masing-masing memenangi voucher RM50 Rare Catalogue. Majlis tamat kira-kira jam 5.20 petang dan maklum balas peserta sangat positif dan berharap akan ada lebih banyak acara seperti ini di masa hadapan 😍


Alhamdulillah SMA Malaysia has organized the Eid Fitr Chatting Party (MSSR2021) online in conjunction with the celebrations of the Eid Fitri. The event took place successfully on May 29, 2021, last Saturday. Members of SMA Malaysia started entering the 'Chat Room' as early as 2.45 pm, wearing stylish Eid attires 😍. The ceremony began with a welcome speech by SMA Fighter Miza Marsya, as the moderator of the ceremony, followed by a prayer recitation by SMA Fighter Amirul Iman. Then a speech from Pn Shakira Jamil as the President of SMA Malaysia and the host for this event. Apart from exchanging stories about the Eid Fitri celebration at home during the Implementation of the Movement Control Order 3.0, the ceremony was enlivened with the MSSR2021 Meletop Award competition. The selection of winners were judged by Yang Berbahagia Dato Hatijah Ayob, President of MRDS and Mrs. Allida, MRDS Committee. SMA Fighter Marissa was selected as the winner of the Most Stylish Women's Clothing Category, SMA Fighter Ahmad Nazmi was selected as the winner of the Most Vogue Men's Clothing Category and Mr. Razis' family was selected as the Most Sporting Family winner. Each won a RM100 Rare Catalog voucher. In addition, a performance of BTS (Hidden Talent in Art) by SMA Fighter Nur Syafiqah and SMA Fighter Safura. The festivities continued with a lucky draw of 8 winners and each won a RM50 Rare Catalog voucher. The ceremony ended at about 5.20 pm and the feedback from the participants were very positive and hopefully there will be more events like this in the future.

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