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Perayaan Berganda SMA Malaysia (SMA Malaysia Double Celebrations)

Alhamdulillah SMA Malaysia telah berjaya menganjurkan Program IQ Pintar SMA Malaysia sempena sambutan Bulan Kesedaran Penyakit Spinal Muscular Atrophy Malaysia dan Hari Kebangsaan Malaysia pada 31 Ogos 2021. Program ini dijalankan secara maya menggunakan aplikasi Google Meet yang dikendalikan oleh Saudari Miza Marsya (SMA Fighter Jenis 2).

Seawal 2 petang, para peserta yang terdiri daripada SMA Fighter dan ahli keluarga dan ahli-ahli SMA Malaysia telah mula log masuk Google Meet yang disediakan. Acara telah dimulakan dengan ucapan aluan pengacara majlis, Saudari Siti Safura (SMA Fighter Jenis 2), diikuti bacaan doa yang disempurnakan oleh Saudara Amirul Iman (SMA Fighter Jenis 2). Puan Arfah Jamian selaku Timbalan Presiden SMAM telah memberi ucapan pembukaan sebelum acara pertandingan dimulakan. Beberapa acara diadakan iaitu Pertandingan Kuiz Kahoot SMA Malaysia Kategori A (7-12 tahun) dan Kategori B (13 tahun ke atas) yang telah berlangsung dengan meriah pada hari tersebut. Menerusi pertandingan ini, para peserta telah menguji minda mereka tentang kefahaman mereka tentang SMA dan tentang Malaysia. Berikut adalah pemenang bagi kedua-dua kategori:



1. Nur Qalesya Amani binti Mohd Sha'zani

2. Nur Umairah Irdina binti Mohd Firdaus

3. Muhammad Naufal Syah bin Syafarin Syah


1. Gazlia binti Umat

2. Juwairiyah binti Md Rejab

3. Muhammad Hafiy bin Padli

Manakala bagi Pertandingan Mewarna Merdeka SMA Malaysia telah berlangsung lebih awal iaitu pada 25 Ogos 2021 dan peserta diberikan lakaran dalam bentuk softcopy dan peserta di minta untuk memuat turun, mencetak dan mewarnakannya. Masa diberikan untuk peserta menyelesaikan tugasan itu dan mereka telah menghantar gambar lukisan yang telah siap kepada urusetia pada 29 Ogos 2021 untuk dinilai. Nama pemenang telah diumumkan setelah acara kuiz selesai dipertandingkan. Berikut adalah pemenang bagi pertandingan tersebut :


1. Farish Damia binti Roslan

2. Nur Qalesya Amani binti Mohd Sha'zani

3. Nur Umairah Irdina binti Mohd Firdaus

Para pemenang ketiga-tiga pertandingan telah memenangi voucher Rare Catalogue, di mana tempat pertama berupa Voucher bernilai RM50, tempat kedua berupa Voucher bernilai RM30 dan tempat ketiga berupa Voucher bernilai RM20. Para pemenang boleh menggunakan voucher-voucher ini untuk membuat pembelian di Rare Catalogue.

Perasmian penutup program IQ Pintar SMA Malaysia ini telah disempurnakan oleh Puan Shakira Jamil selaku Presiden SMA Malaysia dan acara ditutup dengan persembahan deklamasi sajak Merdeka oleh Saudara Ahmad Nazmi (SMA Fighter Jenis 2).

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Alhamdulillah SMA Malaysia has successfully organized the SMA Malaysia Brilliant IQ Program in conjunction with the World Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month and Malaysian National Day on 31 August 2021. The program was conducted virtually using the Google Meet application run by Ms. Miza Marsya (SMA Fighter Type 2).

As early as 2 pm, the participants consisting of SMA Fighter and family members and members of SMA Malaysia have started logging in to the Google Meet provided. The event began with a welcome speech by the host of the ceremony, Ms. Siti Safura (SMA Fighter Type 2), followed by a prayer recitation by Mr. Amirul Iman (SMA Fighter Type 2). Puan Arfah Jamian as the Deputy President of SMAM gave the opening speech before the competition began. Several events were held, namely the Kahoot SMA Malaysia Category A Quiz Competition (7-12 years old) and Category B (13 years old and above) which took place lively on the day. Through these competitions, the participants tested their minds on their understanding of SMA and about Malaysia. Here are the winners for both categories:



1. Nur Qalesya Amani binti Mohd Sha'zani

2. Nur Umairah Irdina binti Mohd Firdaus

3. Muhammad Naufal Syah bin Syafarin Syah


1. Gazlia binti Umat

2. Juwairiyah binti Md Rejab

3. Muhammad Hafiy bin Padli

Meanwhile, the SMA Malaysia Merdeka Coloring Competition was held earlier on 25 August 2021 and participants were given sketches in softcopy and participants were asked to download, print and color them. Time was given for the participants to complete the assignment and they had sent a photograph of the completed drawing to the secretariat on 29 August 2021 for evaluation. The name of the winners were announced after the quiz event was completed. Here are the winners for the competition:


1. Farish Damia binti Roslan

2. Nur Qalesya Amani binti Mohd Sha'zani

3. Nur Umairah Irdina binti Mohd Firdaus

The winners of the three competitions won Rare Catalog vouchers, where the first place was a Voucher worth RM50, the second place was a Voucher worth RM30 and the third place was a Voucher worth RM20. Winners can use these vouchers to make purchases in the Rare Catalog. The closing ceremony of the SMA Malaysia Smart IQ program was officiated by Puan Shakira Jamil as the President of SMA Malaysia and the event closed with a recitation of the Merdeka poem by Saudara Ahmad Nazmi (SMA Fighter Type 2).

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