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Terima kasih Para Dermawan & Sukarelawan (Hearty Thanks to The Philanthropists & The Volunteers) ❤️

Alhamdulillah berkat sokongan dan sumbangan daripada para dermawan serta bantuan dan kerjasama daripada para sukarelawan dalam menjayakannya dua program pengumpulan dana SMA Malaysia iaitu Program 7 Hari Berkongsi Kesyukuran dan Program World Rare Diseases Day (SMA Awareness) By Trailblazers and Arcadis pada bulan Januari dan Februari 2021, pihak kami telah berjaya membeli sebuah mesin 'Cough Assist' untuk kegunaan anak-anak SMA, terutama SMA Type 1 untuk melegakan saluran pernafasan mereka. Alhamdulillah penggunaan pertama kepada adik Harraz Waiz (SMA Type 1), semoga adik Harraz Waiz semakin sihat dan ceria hendaknya. Kami juga berharap agar sumbangan dan sokongan anda berterusan agar kami dapat menyediakan peralatan bantuan perubatan kepada lebih ramai lagi SMA Fighters secara percuma. Jutaan penghargaan buat kalian yang budiman ❤️

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Alhamdulillah heartiest thanks for the support and contributions from philanthropists as well as the help and cooperation from volunteers in the success of two SMA Malaysia fundraising programs, namely the 7 Days of Gratitude Sharing and the World Rare Diseases Day (SMA Awareness) By Trailblazers and Arcadis in January and February 2021, we have managed to buy a 'Cough Assist' machine for the use of SMA children, especially SMA Type 1 to relieve their airways. Alhamdulillah, the first use for Baby Harraz Waiz (SMA Type 1), may Harraz Waiz be healthier and happier. We also hope that your donations and support will continue so that we can provide medical aid and supportive equipment to more SMA Fighters for free. Millions of appreciation for your generosity 💕

(Photo with consent from Pn Nik Nur Syuhada)

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